Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Written Communication Test

You finish your PATI, get up for a stretch break, maybe have a little bite to eat or something to drink and get ready for the Written Communication Test (WCT). The WCT is a traffic collision/accident scenario where you must write a detailed report and it is no coincidence that it’s the test I get the most questions about and see from forums, it’s the area most people are having trouble with. The test is described by ATS as evaluating your ability to organize information in a clear, coherent and comprehensive manner, and to make conclusions from the given facts. So, you get a barrage of information, some of it is factual and useful, some of it has nothing to do with the scenario and must be discarded and therefore not included in your report. What you need to do is separate all the information and list it clearly. Then, you need to analyze the situation and come to a conclusion. This is the tricky part. Without good common sense and some knowledge of case law it can be difficult to come to the appropriate conclusion. For example, car "a" stops and is hit from behind when it hard stops at a traffic light that has just turned red. Car "b" which struck car "a" did brake but could not stop in time to avid hitting car "a". Who is at fault? There is only one correct answer. Car "b" is at fault. Car "b" was following too closely to stop in time. If you came to any other conclusion, you need to do some studying. Also, don't forget it's critical to indicate why car "b" is at fault. Is there any evidence that supports your conclusion? If so, list it in addition to any damage done to both vehicles.

In regards to preparation, I do not recommend the usual advice of reading detective novels or short mysteries. The preparation materials here, at TestReadyPro offer the BEST scenarios available to practice for the WCT and offer an incredible amount of insight into the marking of your test and the analytical thinking that must occur when reading the scenario. It is this formula of thinking that I used on my test day and passed the WCT on the first try. Which, brings us to those who didn’t pass on the first try, that’s okay. Do yourself a favour and call ATS (or OPP in some cases) and ask them for the details of why you didn’t pass. They always make this information available for those who did not pass, all you need to do is ask. Now, the WCT is a complicated test where many specific details must be in order for you to receive a passing grade. These details include the following; You must first demonstrate/insure your grammar, sentence structure and command of the English language are at their best. Poor grammar and punctuation will result in a fail. If English is a second language for yourself, I highly recommend a night school class at your community college that could be free or is offered for a minimal fee. These classes could include communications, English, or even ask your local service as the Hamilton Police Service offers a college course at the Fennell campus of Mohawk College where students learn police communications. Alternatively, if you want to seek out self-study or self-learner try any books or recommended alternative books of names listed here. Finally, you must evaluate your ability to write legibly, everyone can do it if they slow down, and print, do not write.

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