Sunday, December 17, 2023

Addressing Challenges in Canada's Firefighting Landscape: An LMS Focus on Recruitment, Retention, and Certification with

This article aims to initiate conversations and explore opportunities across diverse subjects, encompassing Indigenous aspects, volunteerism, and career services. Let's commence by examining some of the recent trends in firefighting. As of January 2022, the landscape of fire training and recruitment has been shaped by technological advancements, shifting demographics, and an increasing emphasis on diversity, equity, and inclusion. It is crucial to note that trends are dynamic, and ongoing developments persist. Nevertheless, the top eight topics identified then remain relevant today, highlighting the enduring importance of these themes in the firefighting domain.

Recruitment, Retention, Certification, Costing among other significant issues were discussed in December by the Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs (CAFC) as a released survey that sheds light on the critical challenges faced by the country's 3,200 fire departments. The issues include a decline in both career and volunteer firefighters, rising emergency call volumes, escalating training and equipment costs, and the reclassification of firefighting as one of the top carcinogenic professions.

  1. Technology Integration:

  • Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR): Using VR and AR for simulated training scenarios allows firefighters to practice in realistic environments, enhancing situational awareness and decision-making skills.

  • Learning Management Systems (LMS): Adoption of LMS for streamlined training processes, including course delivery, tracking progress, and managing certifications.


  1. Online and Remote Training:

  • E-Learning Modules: More fire departments were incorporating online training modules to provide flexibility for firefighters to complete coursework at their own pace.

  • Remote Collaboration Tools: With the increasing use of remote work tools, fire departments were exploring ways to facilitate remote collaboration for training sessions and meetings.

  1. Data-Driven Decision-Making:

  • Analytics for Performance Tracking: Utilizing data analytics to track and assess the performance of firefighters during training, enabling data-driven decision-making for improvement.


  1. Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives:

  • Targeted Recruitment: Efforts to diversify fire departments through targeted recruitment strategies aimed at underrepresented groups.

  • Inclusive Training Programs: Develop training programs that address the needs of a diverse workforce and promote inclusivity within the fire service.


  1. Community Engagement:

  • Community-Centric Recruitment: Fire departments focusing on community engagement as a recruitment strategy, emphasizing the importance of local representation in firefighting teams.

  • Public Awareness Campaigns: Using social media and other platforms for public awareness campaigns to promote firefighting as a career and educate communities on fire safety.


  1. Specialized Training for Emerging Risks:

  • Wildfire Training: Given the increasing frequency and intensity of wildfires, specialized training programs focused on wildfire response and prevention.

  • Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Integration: Integrating EMS training into firefighting programs to enhance first responder capabilities.


  1. Fitness and Wellness Programs:

  • Holistic Wellness Initiatives: Recognizing the importance of overall health and wellness, fire departments were incorporating fitness programs and mental health support for firefighters.


  1. Recruitment Marketing:

  • Social Media and Online Presence: Leveraging social media and online platforms for recruitment marketing, showcasing the department's culture, values, and community involvement. 

Diminishing Numbers and Recruitment Struggles

According to the survey, the number of firefighters in Canada decreased from 156,000 in 2016 to 126,000 in 2022, with 90,000 of them being volunteers. The alarming trend prompted CAFC President Ken McMullen to express concern, stating, "We are losing firefighters faster than we are recruiting them."

The struggle to recruit and retain firefighters is exemplified by Caledon Fire Chief Dave Forfar's statement during a town council meeting, where he highlighted the challenges faced in hiring 40 volunteer firefighters in 2022.

Fire services across the globe are facing a critical challenge – an aging volunteer force. With a significant portion of volunteers over the age of 50, coupled with concerns about work-life balance, fire departments are tasked with addressing these issues to ensure the continued effectiveness and resilience of their firefighting teams. In this article, we delve into the specific challenges posed by an aging volunteer force and explore strategies to enhance work-life balance within the unique context of fire services.

The Aging Volunteer Force Challenge:

  1. Demographic Shifts:

  • Analyzing the current demographics of volunteer firefighters reveals a substantial percentage over the age of 50. Understanding this demographic shift is crucial for fire departments in planning for the future.

  1. Increased Cardiovascular Risks:

  • Aging volunteers face heightened cardiovascular risks, making firefighting, a physically demanding profession, potentially more challenging for individuals beyond a certain age.

  1. Recruitment and Succession Planning:

  • The aging volunteer force underscores the urgency of effective recruitment and succession planning. Fire departments must actively seek and train new volunteers to fill the impending gaps left by retiring members.

Strategies to Address the Aging Volunteer Force Challenge:

  1. Targeted Recruitment Efforts:

  • Develop targeted recruitment strategies to attract individuals from diverse age groups, emphasizing the importance of a multi-generational firefighting force.

  1. Health and Wellness Programs:

  • Implement comprehensive health and wellness programs to support aging volunteers. These programs can include fitness regimens, regular health check-ups, and educational resources on maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

  1. Flexible Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Modify roles and responsibilities to accommodate the strengths and limitations of aging volunteers. Assign tasks that align with their expertise while considering physical demands.

  1. Succession Planning Initiatives:

  • Actively engage in succession planning by identifying potential leaders within the existing volunteer force. Implement mentorship programs to facilitate knowledge transfer and skill development.

  1. Collaboration with Community Programs:

  • Collaborate with community programs and organizations to create intergenerational connections. This supports recruitment efforts while fostering a sense of community and shared responsibility.

Work-Life Balance in Fire Services:

  1. Shift Scheduling:

  • Implement flexible shift scheduling to accommodate the diverse commitments of volunteer firefighters. This can help create a balance between firefighting duties, professional obligations, and personal life.

  1. Wellness Days and Mental Health Support:

  • Recognize the importance of mental health and well-being. Provide wellness days, counseling services, and mental health support to address the emotional toll that firefighting responsibilities can have on firefighters.

  1. Community Outreach and Education:

  • Conduct community outreach and education programs to raise awareness about the challenges faced by volunteer firefighters. This can garner community support and understanding of the unique work-life balance considerations within the fire services.

  1. Technology Integration:

  • Leverage technology to streamline administrative tasks and communication. This can reduce time volunteers spend on non-operational duties, allowing for a more balanced allocation of time and energy.

Aging Volunteer Force and Work-Life Balance

A significant hurdle in recruiting volunteers lies in the demographics, with over 30% of volunteer firefighters over the age of 50. Moreover, concerns about work-life balance and health and safety risks deter younger individuals from joining the force. Fire departments, like Caledon, are recognizing the need for innovative solutions to address these issues.

Volunteer Retention Plan and Budget Considerations

Chief Forfar outlined a volunteer retention plan during the Jan. 10 meeting, emphasizing the introduction of a new salary scale based on years of service and specific skills. The goal is not only to retain but also to incentivize volunteer firefighters to enhance their skills and experience. The plan includes provisions for station wear, uniforms, and badges to boost pride and morale among the ranks.

In Caledon for example, the retention plan comes at a cost, with Forfar stating that it would increase the budget by $147,542 in the first year, gradually decreasing to $111,497 by the fifth year. These financial considerations highlight the fiscal pressures faced by fire departments, as more than 40% of them have deferred training and needs due to budget constraints.

A well-crafted volunteer retention plan, coupled with strategic budget considerations, can significantly contribute to the stability and effectiveness of fire services. In this article, we will explore key elements of volunteer retention plans and the financial considerations that fire departments need to address.

The Volunteer Retention Challenge: Volunteer firefighters often juggle their commitment to community service with other personal and professional responsibilities. Retaining these dedicated individuals requires a thoughtful approach that acknowledges their contributions and addresses the challenges they face.

Potential Elements of an Effective Volunteer Retention Plan:

  1. Salary Scale and Incentives:

  • Develop a salary scale based on years of service and specific skills to recognize and reward long-term commitment and expertise.

  • Introduce performance-based incentives to encourage volunteers to enhance their skills and take on additional responsibilities.

  1. Benefits Package:

  • Consider offering a benefits package that includes provisions for station wear, uniforms, and badges. Providing these essentials fosters a sense of pride and belonging among volunteers.

  1. Professional Development Opportunities:

  • Invest in training and development opportunities for volunteers. This not only enhances their skills but also demonstrates the department's commitment to their growth.

  1. Recognition Programs:

  • Establish recognition programs to acknowledge and celebrate the accomplishments of volunteer firefighters. This can include awards, public acknowledgments, and appreciation events.

  1. Flexible Scheduling:

  • Recognize the diverse commitments of volunteers by implementing flexible scheduling. This can help volunteers balance their firefighting duties with work, family, and personal obligations.

Budget Considerations for Volunteer Retention:

  1. Initial Investment:

  • Understand that implementing a comprehensive retention plan may require an initial investment. Allocate funds for the development and launch of the program, including communication materials and training resources.

  1. Salary Adjustments:

  • Factor in the cost of implementing a salary scale and performance-based incentives. While this may increase the budget initially, the long-term benefits in terms of retention and morale can outweigh the costs.

  1. Benefits Package Costs:

  • Account for the costs associated with providing station wear, uniforms, and badges. Negotiate bulk purchase agreements to maximize cost-effectiveness.

  1. Training and Development Budget:

  • Allocate a budget for ongoing training and development opportunities. This investment contributes to a highly skilled and motivated volunteer firefighting force.

  1. Recognition Program Costs:

  • Budget for the implementation of recognition programs, including the creation of awards, event organization, and promotional materials.

  1. Flexible Scheduling Implementation:

  • Implementing flexible scheduling may require adjustments in resource allocation. Evaluate the potential impact on overtime costs and ensure proper coverage during critical periods.


Training Challenges and Certification Regulations

Another significant concern in the article pertains to the mandatory firefighter certification introduced under the Fire Protection and Prevention Act of 1997. This regulation, effective from July 1, 2022, requires firefighters to attain a minimum level of training certification standards.

The new regulation poses challenges for rural municipalities, chiefs, and volunteer firefighters, particularly in terms of cost, recruitment, and retention. The mandatory certification necessitates leaving families and jobs to attend private training institutes, often at the firefighters' own time and expense.

There must be a dialogue between these communities and the OFM in which to mitigate these issues and has the answer. Again certification for example for an experienced FF should not require this training. In many cases, a Volunteer Firefighter has been on the job for 10 to 15 years. They don’t need this training. As for new recruits, many have already have completed preservice fire training and/or additional qualifications, already at their own expense. Sending experienced Firefighters to school will further force retirement and discourage recruiting. The Ontario Fire Marshall (OFM) should consider the proven TestReadyPro online LMS approach to training, recruitment, and retention. With TRP fire services can have monthly training, monitored by chiefs, training offers, tracked, and follow NFPA curriculum saving thousands in time and physical costs. Regardless, training on an ongoing basis is essential - it's just how best to approach it!

The Need for Ongoing Dialogue and Solutions

In conclusion, the challenges faced by Canada's fire departments demand ongoing dialogue and innovative solutions. Balancing the need for certified firefighters with the practicalities of recruitment, retention, and budget constraints is crucial. Collaborative efforts between communities, fire departments, and regulatory bodies are essential to ensure the continued effectiveness of firefighting services across the country.

"We are losing firefighters faster than we are recruiting them," said CAFC president Ken McMullen.

"More than 30 percent of volunteer firefighters are over the age of 50, and firefighting is not recommended over the age of 65 because of increased cardiovascular risks. At the same time, younger individuals may be concerned about issues of work-life balance and health and safety risks." Source: Caledon Enterprise

Budget Constraints and Funding Issues: Many fire departments across the country have faced significant budget cuts, leading to staffing reductions, outdated equipment, and inadequate training resources.

A Brief Aboriginal/Indigenous Background

The National Indigenous Fire Safety Council stands as a cornerstone in the protection of Indigenous communities, employing a comprehensive strategy deeply rooted in education and support to mitigate the destructive consequences of fires. At the helm of this crucial initiative is Michelle Vandevord, a highly dedicated leader serving as the president and associate director of the Saskatchewan First Nation Emergency Services. Recognizing the paramount importance of collaboration, particularly with TestReadyPro, Vandevord actively pursues partnerships aimed at integrating Indigenous knowledge into training units within the Learning Management System (LMS). This forward-thinking collaboration seeks to extend its impact across a spectrum encompassing both Volunteer and Regular Services.

Integral to the boots-on-the-ground implementation of fire safety measures is the Indigenous Fire Marshall Service, under the adept leadership of Deputy Director of Operations, Arnold Lazare. Drawing from a remarkable 45-year career, Lazare brings invaluable experience as a volunteer firefighter, former fire chief, and director of public safety in Kahnawake. His hands-on expertise ensures that fire safety efforts are not only strategic but also deeply informed by practical insights gained over decades of service.

The evolution of the Joint First Nations Fire Protection Strategy, initiated in 2010 and refined over subsequent years, culminated in the establishment of the National Indigenous Fire Safety Council in 2022. The recently co-developed 2023-2028 iteration, in collaboration with the Assembly of First Nations and Indigenous Services Canada, reaffirms the steadfast commitment to addressing contemporary fire safety challenges. Within this strategic framework, First Nations are encouraged to actively seek support and cultivate partnerships with existing provincial or territorial fire safety associations. This emphasis extends to ensuring rigorous adherence to both national and provincial training standards, with an additional focus on adopting industry best practices. This multifaceted approach not only ensures that firefighters are adequately prepared to confront fire-related risks but also promotes enhanced interoperability during collaborative efforts with non-First Nations fire departments, particularly in the context of mutual aid responses.

The Joint First Nations Fire Protection Strategy Evolution:

As the Joint First Nations Fire Protection Strategy undergoes further development, its scope expands from policy formulation to the pragmatic realm of implementation. A notable improvement centers on acknowledging the prospective advantages offered by technology, specifically Learning Management Systems, in the effort to refine and enhance the training procedures for Indigenous volunteer firefighters.

Recruitment Challenges:

 Recruitment hurdles are common for Indigenous communities, given their remote locations and constrained resources. The utilization of a Learning Management System (LMS) emerges as a solution to these challenges by offering adaptable and accessible training modules. This facilitates remote training, overcoming geographical constraints and empowering potential firefighters to gain crucial skills without the necessity for extensive travel and costs to both the service and Volunteer.

Partnerships and Support:

Learning Management Systems play a crucial role in fostering partnerships and support through the provision of a centralized platform for collaboration. Data indicates that organizations incorporating an LMS witness a notable 14% surge in productivity, underscoring the potential for enhanced efficiency and coordination in the training process. This digital framework actively promotes collaboration with external agencies, provincial or territorial fire safety associations, and the National Indigenous Fire Safety Council, thereby nurturing a robust network of support.

Training Standards and Best Practices:

The pivotal role of an LMS becomes evident in guaranteeing that Indigenous firefighters not only meet but surpass national and provincial training standards. Through the adoption of industry best practices in fire training, entities utilizing an LMS observe a substantial 42% decrease in training costs. The cost-effectiveness of online training modules further enables scalable and uniform education, thereby fostering a highly skilled and standardized firefighting force.

Benefits of Learning Management Systems:

1.    Accessibility: Learning Management Systems provide 24/7 access to training materials, accommodating the schedules of volunteers with diverse commitments, ultimately increasing participation.

2.    Consistency: Standardized training content ensures that all firefighters receive the same high-quality education, promoting consistency in skill levels and response capabilities.

3.    Tracking and Reporting: LMS platforms enable real-time tracking of progress and performance, allowing fire chiefs to monitor training achievements and identify areas for improvement.

4.    Cost-Efficiency: The reduction in travel and training costs associated with traditional methods contributes to cost-efficiency, enabling organizations to allocate resources strategically.

 As a closing comment for this section, I would like to reiterate that incorporating Learning Management Systems into the training of Indigenous volunteer firefighters is in harmony with the principles outlined in the Joint First Nations Fire Protection Strategy. The advantages of heightened accessibility, standardized content, and cost-effectiveness highlight the transformative capacity of technology in tackling recruitment and training obstacles. As Indigenous communities persist in prioritizing fire safety, the deliberate integration of Learning Management Systems stands out as a potent instrument to empower and elevate the capabilities of their firefighting force.

Leveraging Learning Management Systems for Fire and Emergency Services: A Comprehensive Approach

TestReadyPro (1991137 ONTARIO INC.) (TRP) stands as a leading career preparation and evaluation service catering to the emergency services industry. Headquartered in Collingwood, Ontario, TRP boasts over 15 years of operational experience, capturing an estimated 40% market share in Canada. The company underwent restructuring in 2018, evolving from Test Ready Inc. under new management and directors. This strategic shift aimed to support expansion into new segments, including nursing and emergency communications. Ongoing evolution characterizes TRP's trajectory, with a primary focus on the development and enhancement of Learning Management Systems (LMS). These systems serve public and private colleges and large government projects, revolutionizing training, recruiting, testing, and certification processes.

A notable achievement in TRP's portfolio is the development of an entire LMS used for training, which received government approval and third-party evaluation. This initiative resulted in significant cost reductions and positioned TRP as a leading Firefighter Training program in Ontario. Customization capabilities were key, enabling alignment with NFPA standards, incorporation of required courses, modifications to existing content, and the adaptation of user interfaces to meet evolving needs.

The fundamental philosophy of TRP revolves around providing the public, educational institutions, and fire services (especially volunteer and Indigenous fire services) access to a diverse array of best-in-class learning and training materials. Delivered in digital format through their unique LMS, TRP is committed to ongoing collaborations with Indigenous services. Partnerships with organizations like the National Indigenous Fire Safety Council and rural services aim to integrate training technologies, achieve cost savings, enhance recruitment and retention, conduct evaluations, and meet specific needs across Canada and North America.

Within the dynamic landscape of fire services, the integration of Learning Management Systems (LMS) yields a plethora of advantages in training, recruitment, and overall operations. These benefits include improved training modules, streamlined recruitment processes, heightened accountability, increased community benefits, enhanced firefighter retention, and comprehensive support for fire chiefs and administrative operations. The ensuing paragraphs delve deeper into the specific advantages of LMS systems within the Fire Services domain. Let’s take a closer look at the benefits that TRP LMS can provide your service with below.

1. Training Advancements:

Benefits Provided By for Fire and Emergency Services:

  • Customizable Modules: LMS platforms allow fire services to tailor training content to specific needs, ensuring relevance and engagement.

  • Remote Accessibility: Firefighters can access training materials anytime, anywhere, fostering flexibility and accommodating diverse schedules.

  • Consistent Standards: Standardized training content promotes uniform skill development, ensuring that all firefighters meet national and provincial standards.


2. Recruiting Efficiency:

  • Geographical Accessibility: LMS eliminates geographical barriers, making it easier for potential recruits from remote areas to access training materials and participate in the recruitment process.

  • Scalability: The scalable nature of LMS facilitates the streamlined onboarding of new recruits, accommodating varying levels of experience and expertise.


3. Accountability to Communities:

  • Real-Time Tracking: LMS platforms enable real-time tracking of training progress, ensuring that firefighters are consistently developing their skills.

  • Transparency: Increased transparency in training and certification processes enhances community trust by demonstrating a commitment to high standards.


4. Firefighter Retention:

  • Continual Professional Development: LMS supports ongoing education and professional development, fostering a sense of growth and satisfaction among firefighters.

  • Engagement: Interactive and engaging training materials via LMS contribute to higher levels of firefighter morale and job satisfaction.


5. Benefits to Chiefs

  • Efficient Resource Allocation: LMS allows fire chiefs to allocate resources strategically by identifying specific training needs and optimizing training schedules.

  • Data-Driven Decision-Making: Access to real-time data on firefighter performance and training progress facilitates informed decision-making by fire chiefs.


6. Cost-Efficient Training

  • Reduction in Training Costs: LMS platforms often result in lower training expenses compared to traditional methods, eliminating costs associated with physical materials, venues, and travel.

  • Scalable Training: The scalable nature of LMS allows fire services to accommodate varying numbers of participants without proportional increases in expenses.


7. Time Savings and Increased Productivity:

  • Efficient Learning Paths: LMS enables the creation of efficient learning paths, optimizing the time spent on training and ensuring firefighters are adequately equipped in a shorter timeframe.

  • Automated Administrative Tasks: Administrative tasks related to tracking, reporting, and certification can be automated, freeing up valuable time for firefighting professionals.


8. Enhanced Accountability and Compliance Benefits for Council Communities

  • Reduced Liability Costs: LMS facilitates real-time tracking of training and compliance, reducing the risk of liability and associated legal costs for council communities.

  • Transparent Accountability: Council communities benefit from the transparency provided by LMS, ensuring that their firefighting force adheres to the highest standards.


9. Resource Optimization:

  • Optimized Resource Allocation: Fire chiefs can strategically allocate resources based on data-driven insights provided by LMS, optimizing training schedules and equipment distribution.

  • Reduced Overtime Costs: A well-trained and efficient firefighting force may contribute to decreased overtime costs, ensuring optimal utilization of personnel.


10. Community Engagement and Trust Benefits for Council and Communities:

  • Improved Community Safety: An adequately trained firefighting force, made possible by LMS, enhances community safety, reducing potential costs associated with fire-related incidents.

  • Positive Public Perception: Council communities benefit from the positive public perception generated by a highly skilled and accountable firefighting force.



In conclusion, the integration of Learning Management Systems (LMS) into fire services stands as a transformative strategy, ushering in a new era of efficiency, accountability, and community focus. The revolutionized training and operational efficiency brought about by LMS not only yield substantial cost benefits, from reduced training expenses to streamlined administrative processes, but also extend these financial advantages to both fire services and council communities. This fosters a more sustainable and cost-effective firefighting ecosystem, aligning with the evolving landscape of emergency services. The compelling case for cost efficiency presented by the implementation of LMS goes beyond modernizing training; it directly impacts council communities, contributing to a safer, more accountable, and economically sustainable firefighting ecosystem. As technology continues to shape the future of emergency services, the strategic adoption of LMS emerges as a key driver of financial sustainability and community well-being. The wide array of benefits, including efficiency, accountability, and community focus, resulting from integrating LMS into fire services operations, positions it as a pivotal tool for enhancing overall effectiveness and resilience within the dynamic field of firefighting. The adaptability and scalability of LMS address the unique challenges faced by fire services, spanning recruitment, retainment, accountability, flexibility, evaluation, ongoing training, and community engagement. In embracing this strategic implementation of technology, fire services are poised to navigate the evolving landscape and foster a future where efficiency, accountability, and community well-being are central tenets of firefighting operations.


Please contact Chris Bedwell, President, to schedule/discuss solutions that can be entirely customized to meet your specific needs and requirements. I would certainly love to hear your thoughts and feedback on this. Again our proven LMS systems are ready-go and can be easily modified for your needs and service.


Please note we are actively seeking Organizations to partner with us to further enhance and ensure we are best aligned and positioned to provide the best possible LMS solution for Fire Services.


Please contact me directly:

Direct: 705 888 1417 E:




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